Friday, September 11, 2009

Look Beyond the Mist!

Good morning! It's drizzling outside, it's Friday and it's going to be a day of getting things done here in the house! I chose this pic today because I love the way you can barely see the mountains beyond the mist! When I took it, we were traveling back to Lexington, Kentucky from Nitro, West Virginia where I lived for 3 years as a child. What struck me about this shot is really very simple. Sometimes things as big as mountains seem to be hidden, however if you look really hard, you can start to see what it is you're looking for! Just like in life, when the answers seem so obscure, if you be patient and really seek the answers, they will become more and more visible to you! Life is full of questionable events that leave us wondering "what am I supposed to do now?" Well, I have found the key is in your reaction. Sit back, relax, have a cup of tea or coffee, and start patiently looking between the lines, through the mist, whatever's in between you and the answers and, in time, the answers will be right there. Now there are times when the answers do not come so easily and those are the times, especially not to panic or get disappointed because they will appear. You may have to wait an extended period of time. Realize there will be a resolution, just be patient. In the meantime, get something constructive done and there is always something constructive to do! Help a friend, go for a drive, write in your journal, whatever you need to do, just be patient, answers will come. I had a bit of a situation this past Labor day weekend where something happened that appeared to be just awful. Instead of panicking or getting down and out, I busied myself with finding the solution, praying about the solution and going ahead with my plans for the weekend. Sure enough, it's over now and everything is back to normal! As a matter of fact, the following Tuesday something awesome happened that could possibly make a big difference in another situation in my life where I was working hard not to get down about! It's amazing how things in our lives will fit together in ways you can't imagine until you take the time to really look for them! And you have to believe that you truly are being watched out for and that the "big guy" really does have your back! That's the other important point to remember. No matter what it looks like, look beyond the outward. God knows what He's doing! He's been "fixing" things for many, many years! I hope everyone has a great day! Love to all!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Be Strong!!!!!

Good morning all! I've been bad and not posted anything for too long again! I've been working hard to market the business and having fun doing it! I have a lead for a company that rents their facilities for parties, banquets and lots of other events! They are looking for a third caterer and I am looking to be their third caterer! Keep your fingers crossed as this would be a fantastic opportunity for Taste of Texas! Well, I have to correct something I said in my last blog. The Kentucky Derby is NOT held at Keeneland, it's at Churchhill Downs which is in Louisville. Sometimes I seem to be a bit ditsy but it's all good! I finally got on Facebook and have run across people I haven't talked to in years! I am planning a huge birthday party for Dad and it's gonna be hysterical because we are doing old school country karaoke! I wish I could find someone with a camcorder! This oughtta be a hoot! On a more serious note, I find myself in a position to help a couple of people with similar issues, ones that I have never been very tolerant about. I have to say that I feel like I'm being tested. But I will prevail and so will the people who are having problems! Here's the deal! I know it sounds trite, but you just have to reach way, way down inside sometimes and find the strength to make your life better. You have to be stronger than the issue in question. It can be done, I know it can. You see, you have to refuse to be overcome by whatever is threatening your life and mind. It's all in your mind. The strength is there, you just have to allow it to be the dominant force! It is very hard and sometimes you will not be the victor. But you pick yourself up, forgive yourself and work a little harder next time until it becomes the preferred way of life! I love you all and want everyone to be happy and healthy and content! And VICTORIOUS!!!! Have a great and beautiful day and I will see you soon!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hello all! It's been too long since I posted and I will make it a point to keep up better! This picture was taken August 17th, in St. Albans, West Virginia. Jerry and I visited his folks in Lexington Kentucky and decided to go see where I lived from 1969 to 1972. West Virginia is an absolutely beautiful place and I really loved living up there. The bridge in the background is the one that connects St. Albans to Nitro, where I actually lived. It crosses over the Kanawha River and I used to sit on the banks of the river and watch the coal barges go by. It was beautiful to me! Not much has changed up there! I learned to love John Denver up there. When he came out with "Take Me Home, Country Roads", he sang it on the side of a mountain somewhere and we saw it and it was breathtaking, musically and visually! I'll never forget that! We had a great trip, went to Keeneland Park, where the Kentucky Derby is held, visited the Kentucky Horse Park where lots of renovations and upgrades are taking place due to the "olympics" for the equine community, which will be held in 2010, for the first time in the U.S.! Beautiful area! We stopped on Mud Island in Memphis on the way home! What an interesting place! It has a riverwalk along the Mississippi River and there is a giant man-made concrete, multi-level puzzle, following the course of the river and history maps, as well! It is just amazing! We drove by Graceland and it is such a shame to see the neighborhood around it has gone way down over the years. I had time to reflect and think on things while we were traveling and it was a wonderful and realxing trip! I have officially started on my book "Change Your Mind & Change Your Life". Everyone have a great day and I will post again real soon! Love to all!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Watching for the path

Sometimes in life we have no idea which direction we're supposed to go. At times it seems the path is so obscure we just cannot see it. Patience my friends, patience. Here's the challenge. Not to be impulsive because we want to move ahead quickly. Not to make wrong decisions because we can't sit still and wait for the answers to come. And, not to jump into a situation that we have questioned and still feel no real pull towards, we just jump into them simply due to impatience or idealism. To me, it's like finding the path that takes longer to see, but will take you to a better place in life because you had to make an effort to find it. Not like the path of least resistance, which is generally not the ideal way to travel. I spent many years of my life in a situation which affected many people around me in a negative way. I followed a path that I had left before, several times, only to find it would lead me to much heartache and grief and cause others pain as well. The reason for following the wrong path for so long is due to the fact that after I had committed to the wrong path, it became a "prison" of ideals which were all based on a shaky foundation. Why? Because that path was the wrong one and I was insistent that it was the right one. When I finally realized how wrong and mistaken I was, it was too late to change the negative results. So, what I'm saying is this. When faced with a choice of paths, and you're not sure which direction to go, wait, pray, think out all the options and make a faith based decision, not an "I want to be right" decision. You may even be resistant to that path, but in the end, it will be the better one for the future. I regret my impulsive decisions and my bad case of idealism. I have realized over the years that idealism is like a 2 edged sword. If it's used in moderation it's fine. If it's used as your main platform of decision making, you're in serious trouble. So, before you jump into any situation that will deeply and profoundly affect your life and the lives of others around you, take the time to find the right path. It's the beautiful path that requires patience and a quiet sense of faith.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mastering the Rocks!

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I posted and for that, I apologize! I won't let so much time pass again! Well, let me see where to start. How about public news? Walter Cronkite died at age 92. I grew up with him, ya know. He was there for all the important events. Watergate, JFK, etc.. both of which I remember. No "old" jokes please! May you rest in peace Walter! Michael....well, I have a few thoughts on that but I only want to say one. That poor soul never had anywhere near a "normal" life. I grew up with him as well and he always seemed to be like one of the "lost boys" And no, I do not and never have thought of him as a perve. I think he was a target and an easy one at that. We must remember that in this country ,we are innocent until proven guilty. This is one of the things we must continue to fight for as one of our rights in this country. So, that's all I have to say about that! As for me, things are fine! Someone very close to me is facing a hard time and it's been rough dealing with it from my perspective. I love this person dearly, but also know that what has happened is justice done right. It's an odd paradox, but I have to have faith that it's happening for the betterment of said person. We all must pay our consequences for our actions and sometimes our consequences affect others as well. Think about that before you make a decision to do a questionable act. Maybe weighing out the results of said action will help to make the right decision. "Thinking" things through seems to be a suggestion these days. Try making it an absolute. I firmly believe "thinking" is becoming a thing of the past and I just hope we can generate enough interest in the art of "thinking" so that it can once again be a factor in decision making. Who knew that such an easy task like "thinking" might help make better decisions! How archaic am I ? LOL!!! On to the next subject! My father is having health issues and I just ask everyone to send positive thoughts and prayers his way! Just call him "GP", or "Chief 9 Toes". I have become engrossed in organizing all my family pictures for about a week now. This is a huge undertaking and I am having a ball with it! I have found so many very old things and pictures, some dating back 75 years or more. I've been being reminded of a simpler time in life when things were not quite as horrid as they can be now. It's making me want to scream from the rooftops that we can have this kind of life again if we just try our best to be more positive people! Take the stress and make something good come from it. I know this sounds hard and it is, very at times but it's all a matter of strength and choosing what you allow to "run" your emotions and decisions. I watched a movie yesterday, "Flight of The Phoenix" with Jimmy Stewart (aw, there's a great man) and it was an inspiring story of the strength of the human spirit. Against all odds and in the midst of thirst, hunger, death, heat and what seems to be no way out, HOPE wins out and becomes a reality that enables them to save themselves. It's very good and I love an ending where the "good" wins. That's a key to life, I think. Making something wonderful happen in spite of what the situation "looks" like. How many times have we heard and ourselves said, "looks can be deceiving"? Well, no different in any situation, this applies to everything. You see, I've found that the more devastating the situation "seems" to be, the more prospect of something great coming from it. Kind of like "what goes up, must come down", a very similar logic. I heard a wonderful analogy of life once and I have thought of it often since. "Life is like a highway full of boxes of rocks. Some boxes are much bigger than others and some seem to be unmovable. What you must always keep in mind during your travels down the highway is that no matter what size or weight of the box, it can be overcome. Over, under, around, through, move it over, take it with you and deal with it later, as long as you continue down the highway and make headway for the good, that's what matters." I like that and I've always tried my hardest to do that. No quitting for me, except for smoking, which today marks 3 months since Jer and I quit smoking! YEA!!!! That was a big box of rocks that I carried around for many years and I finally threw that box over a cliff! I love you all and I know that whatever size your box of rocks is, you will find the strength to overcome it! See you tomorrow!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Facing New Challenges

It's been a while since I posted anything, but in my defense, it's been a trying week and a half! Got some news that may be really bad or it could end up being really good. God is testing my endurance and patience, I'm sure of it! Got some other news that could have several outcomes and we are praying for the most best one of all! And, my 6th grandchild was introduced into the world June 30 at 2:50 am! Her name is Adilyn Cadence Berna and she is beautiful! I am so proud and happy! Josh and Jourdynn are so precious together and I am so happy that my son found such a wonderful woman to share his life with! It's funny how in the course of only a little over a week, life can take such sharp turns! The key is to not topple over from the momentum created by the change! It's an odd thing to stand where I am and be so close to several situations, both very bad and very good and to be able to see them as parallel. Life goes on, no matter what and we always have to be ready for the curve balls thrown our way! It's the only way to make it "home"! My friends, pray for strength and peace of heart and mind, and always remember, love one another unconditionally! It's the only way!

Friday, June 19, 2009



Keep Your Eyes On the Skies!

Good morning everyone! It is Friday, a beautiful day, soon to be very hot, but beautiful nonetheless! This week has been rather trying in several aspects. Despite working very hard to keep losing weight, I am now fluxuating with 14 pounds I have put on since I quit smoking. Very frustrating. I know it will come off again, I'm just very impatient! Patience is not a strong point of mine, even though I am better at it! But I can say that the reason for the weight gain is a victory anyway! I received some news about my father this week that was very distressing, however we will deal with it and all will turn out alright! And, I have received some pretty yucky news about someone else close to me that will forever affect his life and it is my prayer that this event will make his life better in the long run. Sometimes, when things look really bad, the only way to combat them is to make the most of it. Making the best out of a potentially bad situation is an art form that needs to be practiced more often. It's not an easy task, it's not an easy goal, but it can be done. No matter what it looks like, sometimes things are not always what they seem. You have to look above and beyond the narrow picture to see the grand picture! It's like the old saying "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!" I have seen my share of struggles that seemed never ending and hopeless. However, I came out on the other side, scarred and bruised, but I'm here! I didn't let them run me down and rule my future. I took them, tried to learn what I could from them and made decisions to never let them destroy me. You see, we as humans are always prone to downfalls, struggles, trials and tribulations. How we deal with them is what dictates the outcome. I used to tell my boys that more important than the "action" is the "reaction". Make your reaction create an outcome that is constructive. Too often we react in such a way as to make the situation worse, when all we really need to do is "react" with some sense of pride and virtue. I hope you all have a wonderful day and "react" with kindness, decency and lots of unconditional love!
Sharon (Lucy)
P.S. The "Lucy" reference is not Lucille Ball, it's Lucy from Peanuts. My Dad called me that when I was a kid! It fits at times! Love to you all!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A "Media" Blast

Good morning all! It's a very beautiful day and a very hot one as well! 10am and already 85. But that's Texas for you! Today I have a subject to address. I watch "Mike and Mike in the Morning" almost every morning. I have grown to enjoy the show as I have learned a great deal more about sports than I have ever known before. These guys are funny and make sports something interesting to learn about, for me. However, something is happening right now in the sports world that disturbs me. Drug testing done on pro-baseball players back in 2003, which was supposed to help clear a way to discover and stop steroid use and to develop a system of punishment for those that violated the rules. At the time the testing was done, the drugs were not illegal in pro-baseball and the tests were supposed to be kept secret. Now, 6 years later, the "list" of those that failed the test is being leaked to the press and made public. Sammy Sosa is the main topic today. A-Rod was the topic a couple of weeks ago. I don't get it. Baseball has been around forever. It's "America's" pasttime. Kids look up to pro sports players. Older fans remember when the sport was the sport itself, not what we can destroy about the sport. My question is "why now"? Unless we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who was doing the drugs and who was not, why does the media feel the need to disclose this info to the public? Why destroy the image that so many kids look up to? No one in this world is beyond falling and doing things that should not be done, no one. Granted, those who choose a profession in the eye of the public know their lives will be dissected methodically, because apparently we have nothing better to do with our time than to "goggle" at the personal lives of celebs (boo, hiss), however, they are all people and they are all never going to be perfect or above anything, just like the rest of us. It is now going to be a question as to whether or not Sammy will be able to be in the Hall of Fame. Personally, I do not like baseball, I don't really care who gets in and who doesn't, but I can't see keeping a player out due to an action that took place 6 years ago and was legal at the time. There is simply no telling who has done what in any sport over the many years and we simply can't make judgements on the ones we do know about. The media needs to stop this deliberate destruction of people and their mistakes in life. Mistakes are already difficult enough to overcome on a personal level and should be the business of the person or people involved, not the whole world. There are so many other things to pay better and more constructive attention to, things that really need our attention and I would love to see more attention being paid to such things. We need to view this "destructive charade" choreographed by the media as how absolutely unattractive and ugly gossip is. When we trash others, it is never a good thing. It will always come back to haunt us in some way. So, before you start to let slander, gossip or other "destructive" words fly around, think about what this action will accomplish. If the answer is nothing helpful in any way, cease and desist with continuing down that road. Don't be like the media, don't act like a spoiled brat that has no discipline, don't trash anything and everything because you can't think of anything better to do with your position, it's just very awful. And I am speaking to myself as much as anyone else! (Just wanted to clarify that!) The media needs discipline and regulation as much as any entity with no boundaries. It's been allowed too much freedom with little to no responsibility. It is the responsibility of every person to choose their words with care and thought to the outcome of them. Let's start to practice the art of speaking with responsibility! I hope you all have an "up words" day!
Sharon (Lucy)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday, Monday

Good morning all! It's a beautiful Monday morning, my newly planted flowers are doing well, and I am going to have lunch with an old friend, whom I refer to as my "second" Mom! Today is a day to overcome little stuff for me. I will focus on the goals I have set for today and stay with them. Never let the "little" stuff hold you back. Take a good look at what you're facing and choose what you will engage in. Choose the things that will help and move you along your path! Smile and say "I will accomplish this today!" Have faith, pray for strength and guidance, stay focused on your task and before you know it, the day is over and you have traveled through another time of making good choices and realizing your goals! Have a powerfully positive day all! Love to everyone!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Letting Go of Bad Things!

This post is to anyone who has a bad habit and are not sure if they can "give" it up. Here's the real deal! I used to be a smoker, quit almost 7 weeks ago. For years and years I was convinced I couldn't quit smoking if I was going to lose weight, I didn't want to fail at both. I read in several articles NOT to try to do both things simultaneously. So, I didn't. Trouble was, I wasn't REALLY trying to accomplish either one of them. About 3 years ago, an event took place that forever changed my mind and my life and it became blaringly obvious these things I wouldn't "give" up were going to KILL ME!!!! And it wasn't going to be quickly and painlessly, it would take a while and everyone around me would have to watch it. Welll, after much grief and heartache, I decided to change my mind and now, I'm changing my life! I can breathe! I can move better, I can workout for extended periods of time and walk 3 miles and not almost gag for breath! I can sing louder, longer and higher and you know why? Because I made a decision! Everyone of you has decisions to make in your lives and if you're wrestling with making a decision to discipline yourself to "give" up bad things, take some time to be logical about your bad thing. Is it helping you in any way? Is it something that makes life easier, really? Can you really afford it? Monetarily, physically, mentally or any other way? If you will be totally honest with yourself and answer these questions truthfully, then you can find the solution which will work best for you. If you have no idea where to start, find websites, research solutions, ask questions (there are no stupid questions), experiment with different ideas. I have combined several different aspects of healthy eating and fitness programs and I love what I'm doing. As far as quitting the smoking, I used a patch for the first 3 weeks, then stopped those as well. I also followed the lead of my guy who is my "ground"! He said "we're gonna stop now", I balked a bit but decided to follow his decision and now here we are, almost 7 weeks later and not one cigarette! It will be different for everyone, but it is always possible! And the more you overpower the desire to "fall back" the easier it becomes, at least for me because I like the feeling of "VICTORY"! I don't like to give up, I do not like to admit defeat, it's not something I'm good at. I hope this will help someone! If you need help or encouragement or would just like to send me an e-mail about this or any other subject, please feel free to do so! In fact, I encourage that greatly! I want to use my experiences to help others! Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Today it occurred to me that many things are changing for the better for many people around me. I really enjoy seeing positive change! However, positive change doesn't always have a smiling face. There are those situations where if you commit to the difficult situation and handle it with dignity and sincerity, the opportunity for the positive change will emerge and you will have to choose where to go and what to do with the changes. My sincere wish is for someone, who is close to me will realize this and follow. What seems like a terrible end may just end up being a beautiful beginning!
The astounding symetry of life,
The absolute certainty of the uncertain,
The heartbreak and blessings of great change,
The courage of stepping beyond the curtain,
The fear and the excitement of living fully,
The knowledge gained from ignorance and wisdom,
The height and the depth of all passion,
The battle and the victory from becoming undone,
The true pride prevailing against the false pride,
The mysteries sought after until the inevitable death,
The black and white, the lion and the lamb,
And all opposites in between continuing the quest,
The beauty of our souls, the strength in our spirits,
The positive drive which should never be denied,
The agony and the ecstasy of our search for love,
The glory of free will and the ability to rightly decide,

To look above and far beyond the past
Is our wisdom we gain along the way,
The allowance of new starts, learned lessons from each one.
These are all things for which I pray!
Have a beautiful and blessed day everyone!
by Sharon Winderweedle

Monday, June 8, 2009

Live Fully! And seize every, single moment! Make your mark in this world! Go above and beyond every task set forth! Get out of that box! Think in positives, and never tread on unnecessary toes. Be kind to yourself in word, thought and action, it makes it easier to be kind to others. Live the best life you can achieve, and never, ever stop reaching for the stars! It is your God-given right to leap for your highest goals, so leap high and leap proud! When you fall, and you will, pick yourself up, dust off and look for the next leap of faith! They are ALWAYS there to be found! Love one another and be unconditional in your love! Life will be so much more beautiful that way! Have the courage to find your one, true love, your soul mate, your best friend, and hold them sacred and in the highest regard. They are a gift and never to be taken for granted! Choose forgiveness, make your life what you dream and spread love and beauty along your always upward path!
This marks the first blog on my new blog page! This page is intended to be inspirational and uplifting to anyone who visits! My vision is to help others to learn to help themselves. I am no expert, I hold no degree, I have had no FORMAL training in dealing with the issues that seem to haunt people and families, yet I have life experience. I do not have all the answers, but I can do my best to help those who wish to make a positive change in their lives! I myself am in the process of transforming my life into a peaceful, healthy, spiritual lifestyle that will allow me to discover more of who I am! It's hard work, it's not easy, and I have to be disciplined every single day in order to successfully reach my goals. Goals can be reached, new heights can be obtained, you just have to "CHANGE YOUR MIND and CHANGE YOUR LIFE!"