Saturday, August 13, 2011

Rain! Rain! Rain!

I awoke in the middle of the night to the beautiful sound of rain, falling gently, finally giving much needed moisture to the dying trees, bushes and grass! It was the most wonderful sound I'd heard in a long time! The smell of it was so comforting. I love rain! In addition, we've been given a reprieve from the heat for at least one day! This day reminds me of an autumn day, reminding me that the holidays are really just around the corner! My absolute favorite time of year! I love the fall, with the beautiful leaves, although I think there may not be so much changing since it's already brown, but that's alright. It's still a beautiful time of year.
Let's all take the time to do a kind deed today and every day and always remember: Humans are people too! Love to all!

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