I have compiled a list of projects that I want to finish by the end of this year and if I am successful, it will be a very busy last several months of 2011, but finished with a wonderful sense of accomplishment.
I must admit something. I was not doing well health-wise a month ago. I finally went to the doc and when I was threatened with going on insulin, I made a hard and fast decision to eat right, exercise and boost my will power into overdrive. I will admit, it's much easier to say than to put into practice. After a lifetime of bad habits, I am working very hard to break them and turn them around into positive, life-changing habits. It's all in how I think and perceive my situation. I have to handle this as what it is: a decision that will save my life and allow me to be around for many more years than if I continue down the "path to early death". Please friends, say a prayer for me every now and then, a prayer for strength and positive action! Thank you!
Albert Einstein once said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and believing the outcome will be different." I'm not sure if that's true insanity but it makes perfect sense to me. If one continues to eat wrong, their health will deteriorate, if one continues to lie and cheat, their friends list will become null and void, if one continues to make the wrong choices, those bad choices will provide a negative outcome, every time. So, to change the path of "insanity" one must Change Their Mind and Change Their Life! That's my mantra, my slogan, my "words to live by". I know someone right now who, after a long and arduous struggle with the consequences of bad choices is now making further bad choices. Why? I wish I had the answer. But I can say this: It's all up to you. You are the one in charge of how you choose to live. Make bad choices, pay the consequences, make good choices, the chances of success are much higher. My quandry about this is why would one, after several years of making bad choices and paying several high prices for them, continue to make them? All I know is that if the desire to make yourself a better life is strong enough, your life will be better in every way. I believe we all have the potential for wrong doing, but we also were given the gift of free will, making the choices we choose up to us as to the outcome. I don't necessarily believe in "Karma" but I do believe in "make bad choices, bad things will happen, make good choices, good things will happen, but keep in mind, they may not happen in our time, but in God's beautiful time. Don't ever look at the small picture, always look at the big picture. That's where the answers are. So, to the person I know who is making bad choices again, think about the outcome and don't be "insane." Think about the consequences of your actions and don't rely on impulse actions. You've lost enough already and if losing is your choice, so be it. But keep in mind that after everything, I won't watch any longer. And that's all I have to say about that!
I promise to make a concerted effort to keep up with my blog now everyone! As always, love to you all, see you tomorrow!
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