Hello everyone and a good day to all! Today my day of rest will be one of organizing and trying to finish up a few projects that I have put off for way too long. I'm not good at just sitting around and resting, for me I rest better when I'm active and accomplishing things. Accomplishment is my brand of "resting". I love to accomplish things that roll around in my head because then I have more room in there to start new thoughts and projects. Not having anything to do is not good for me. The more I accomplish, the less I dwell on things I have regrets about. I could run myself nuts dwelling if I allowed myself to. I am aware of this weakness and strive to overcome it and be victorious every day! It's always an uphill battle for me and I'm almost always up to the challenge! If we allow ourselves time to dwell on the negatives, we can't accomplish the positive goals we all should have. Make it a point to overcome the negative feelings, the "little voice" that tells us we can't do anything, that we are failures. Truth is,we all fail at some things. The key to this is to try again, just choose a different method of accomplishing your goal! It really works! It's all a matter of choosing to be victorious in our daily struggles. There will be days when the clouds in our minds threaten storms and sometimes, the storms are really hard to avoid. However, with positive thinking, making the decision to not allow those storms to take us down and lots of faith, we can and will be victorious!
I really have to get busy now and avoid the storm clouds today! I had an unusual night of too much thinking about things in the past and today I am determined to accomplish a few things and be victorious over the storms and see my bright sun come out and warm me with it's comforting, positive rays, metaphorically speaking of course! I hope each of you have a comforting, warming day of goodness and positivity! My undying love to you all!
Just like Josh! He got it honest, he doesn't know how to rest. His "rest" looks like work to me.