Sometimes it seems as if the whole world is nothing but a cold, dark region of some evil place where hostility, betrayal and lack of compassion are the rulers. In my life, I've made many mistakes, almost allowing the tendrils of negativity to possess my very soul. Be aware,these tendrils are very strong and powerful, for it is much easier to give up and give in than to rise above and be strong. Make no mistake about it, my friends, no one is above or beyond the reach of the ever grabbing tendrils. Fall not prey to the powers that rule them and feed them. In the end, how we choose to fight them will be our judgement. Those of the majority that have chosen to abide by the negative rulers still have the choice to change. It is in the mind and soul of every human being to deny the horrors of reality. The ever growing evil that permeates this lovely world want only one thing: our souls. Any and all. If only more people would take the time to see what is happening to them, then they would uplift the goodness and love we all possess and great change would be imminent.
In my life, I have witnessed many of the problems of man, up close. There was a time when I fell prey to dishonesty, impurity and a lack of attention to certain aspects of the human condition. I decided to make a change.
These words are for anyone who feels a pull. The pull away from the powers that wish to destroy us all.
The struggle of keeping a positive mindset is a never ending one. It's a fight we must wage against conformity to the negative society around us, one that is a moment to moment battle. The minute we let our guard down the enemy has a chance to sneak in a single tendril of negativity that can spread like a wild fire. Keeping company with like-minded people is also important. They are able to lift you up and keep you accountable! Very nicely written.