Hello everyone and a good day to all! Today my day of rest will be one of organizing and trying to finish up a few projects that I have put off for way too long. I'm not good at just sitting around and resting, for me I rest better when I'm active and accomplishing things. Accomplishment is my brand of "resting". I love to accomplish things that roll around in my head because then I have more room in there to start new thoughts and projects. Not having anything to do is not good for me. The more I accomplish, the less I dwell on things I have regrets about. I could run myself nuts dwelling if I allowed myself to. I am aware of this weakness and strive to overcome it and be victorious every day! It's always an uphill battle for me and I'm almost always up to the challenge! If we allow ourselves time to dwell on the negatives, we can't accomplish the positive goals we all should have. Make it a point to overcome the negative feelings, the "little voice" that tells us we can't do anything, that we are failures. Truth is,we all fail at some things. The key to this is to try again, just choose a different method of accomplishing your goal! It really works! It's all a matter of choosing to be victorious in our daily struggles. There will be days when the clouds in our minds threaten storms and sometimes, the storms are really hard to avoid. However, with positive thinking, making the decision to not allow those storms to take us down and lots of faith, we can and will be victorious!
I really have to get busy now and avoid the storm clouds today! I had an unusual night of too much thinking about things in the past and today I am determined to accomplish a few things and be victorious over the storms and see my bright sun come out and warm me with it's comforting, positive rays, metaphorically speaking of course! I hope each of you have a comforting, warming day of goodness and positivity! My undying love to you all!
Hello to all! Welcome to Up Words! This page is dedicated to helping others to see their lives in a new and different way! To help one another make positive, healthy changes and to learn to Change Our Minds and Change Our Lives! To learn to make choices which will impact our lives and the lives of others in a constructive and uplifting way! We must fight the good fight, always remembering the "up" words in life and always striving to move upwards in life!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tonight I am simply going to post another one of my poems. Enjoy!
Just Say No
In a world full of hatred,
In a world full of greed,
In a world where there's always
A great deal of need.
Children are dying,
Parents have no hope,
No one has the time
To sit down and cope.
Fear in the eyes
Of the ones left behind,
Violence occurs
In the daily grind.
We can turn it around
If we tap the desire.
STOP throwing sparks
Into the fire.
Take control now,
While we still have time.
Make a better choice,
Get into the rhyme.
It's all up to us
To create the better way.
It's as simple as that
And that's all I can say
By Sharon Brown
Friday, July 29, 2011
Live Fully!
Live Fully!
And sieze every single moment!
Make your mark in this world!
Go above and beyond every task set forth!
Think as your true conscience dictates,
While never treading on friends or foes' toes!
Be kind to yourself in word, thought and action,
It makes it easier to be kind to others!
Live the best life you can achieve,
And never, ever stop reaching for the stars!
It is your God given right to leap for your highest goals,
So leap high and leap proud!
When you fall, and you will,
Pick yourself up, dust off and look for the next leap of faith!
They are always there to be found!
Love one another and be unconditional in your love!
Life will be so much more beautiful that way!
Have the courage to find your one true love,
Your soul mate,
Your best friend,
And hold them sacred and in highest regard!
They are a true gift from Above!
Just love, live, have peace of mind!
By: Sharon Brown
And sieze every single moment!
Make your mark in this world!
Go above and beyond every task set forth!
Think as your true conscience dictates,
While never treading on friends or foes' toes!
Be kind to yourself in word, thought and action,
It makes it easier to be kind to others!
Live the best life you can achieve,
And never, ever stop reaching for the stars!
It is your God given right to leap for your highest goals,
So leap high and leap proud!
When you fall, and you will,
Pick yourself up, dust off and look for the next leap of faith!
They are always there to be found!
Love one another and be unconditional in your love!
Life will be so much more beautiful that way!
Have the courage to find your one true love,
Your soul mate,
Your best friend,
And hold them sacred and in highest regard!
They are a true gift from Above!
Just love, live, have peace of mind!
By: Sharon Brown
Today Is The Day!
Good morning all! It's a beautiful morning, it's going to be another hot one but beautiful nonetheless! Today is a very special day for me! Earlier this year I became a ViSalus distributor and half heartedly started using the product. Today is the day to truly begin my 90 day challenge and start transforming my body into who I see myself in my mind! I will stay with it, I will promote this product as I have researched enough to see this is not a scam, nor a fly by night company or product.
I will begin by telling you lovely people a story. I am 49 years old. I have 5 kids and as of the end of January 2012 I will have 11 grandkids. I am very family oriented and one of my priority goals in my life is to help others become healthier, happier and wealthier in life and finances. I have been overweight since before I was a teenager and I will NOT be overweight when I turn 50 in March 2012. My father will be 75 in September and is Type 2 diabetic. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in March of 2001 when I was diagnosed with fybroid tumors and had to have a hysterectomy. The past 10 years I have struggled with diabetes, sometimes doing the right thing, sometimes not. Last June I went to the doctor and was put on 2 diabetic meds, a high blood pressure med, a cholesterol med and was told to start taking low dose aspirin. I was not a happy camper with myself about that. I have been gearing up since then to lose this weight, get off the meds as fast as possible (I was threatened by the doc to be put on insulin if I don't change my lifestyle) and I intend to realize my goals by the end of January 2012.
My motivation is really quite simple. I watched my mother struggle with Type 2 diabetes for many years. She was good at preaching at me about what I needed to do, but not so good at her own personal follow through. In June of 2006, my lovely mother passed away due to complications of diabetes. When she died she was on kidney dialysis 3 times a week, she was bedridden after going from a walker to a wheelchair, diabetic retinopathy (basically blood vessels pop in the retina causing loss of sight and blindness due to very high blood sugar) and had been in 6 different medical facilities over a span of 4 months. I watched this, begging her to keep a positive attitude and to make a serious change in her life, but to no avail. All of this because she was unwilling to motivate herself and make the necessary changes. Our entire family went through much grief and sorrow as a result of her actions. I WILL NOT DO THE SAME THING!!!! I will use her example as my motivator and make this change and become healthier, happier and able to enjoy my older years with my lovely and beautiful grandchildren, looking forward to the great grandchildren! I will eat to live, not live to eat! My life is full of beautiful family and friends and I want to stay alive and healthy to witness all I can before my time here is over!
I do have 1 request. Please encourage myself and others who have a struggle. It's important that we help one another in our daily struggles to become better, healthier people. It's a goal I have had for years and now I will completely dedicate myself to this goal. I have come clean about my failure to do it sooner and let everyone know where my mind set is now. If there is anyone who needs an encouraging shoulder, I am here. I will help in any way I can and in doing do, I can better help myself. I can't justify speaking it if I can't live it. In other words, I will walk the walk as I talk the talk!
Since this is my personal blog page, I am not going to promote my ViSalus business on here, but I will post updates as to how my my goal is becoming reality and how my business is doing. If you would like more info on my ViSalus business and the product, visit me on Facebook and I will have a link to my ViSalus web page there.
I see that I have been receiving more page views and to all who have visited UpWords, a huge thank you! Please tell your friends and family about my site and remember, I welcome, with an open heart and mind any and all comments! Thank you everyone, love to you all and have an absolutely gorgeous day!
I will begin by telling you lovely people a story. I am 49 years old. I have 5 kids and as of the end of January 2012 I will have 11 grandkids. I am very family oriented and one of my priority goals in my life is to help others become healthier, happier and wealthier in life and finances. I have been overweight since before I was a teenager and I will NOT be overweight when I turn 50 in March 2012. My father will be 75 in September and is Type 2 diabetic. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in March of 2001 when I was diagnosed with fybroid tumors and had to have a hysterectomy. The past 10 years I have struggled with diabetes, sometimes doing the right thing, sometimes not. Last June I went to the doctor and was put on 2 diabetic meds, a high blood pressure med, a cholesterol med and was told to start taking low dose aspirin. I was not a happy camper with myself about that. I have been gearing up since then to lose this weight, get off the meds as fast as possible (I was threatened by the doc to be put on insulin if I don't change my lifestyle) and I intend to realize my goals by the end of January 2012.
My motivation is really quite simple. I watched my mother struggle with Type 2 diabetes for many years. She was good at preaching at me about what I needed to do, but not so good at her own personal follow through. In June of 2006, my lovely mother passed away due to complications of diabetes. When she died she was on kidney dialysis 3 times a week, she was bedridden after going from a walker to a wheelchair, diabetic retinopathy (basically blood vessels pop in the retina causing loss of sight and blindness due to very high blood sugar) and had been in 6 different medical facilities over a span of 4 months. I watched this, begging her to keep a positive attitude and to make a serious change in her life, but to no avail. All of this because she was unwilling to motivate herself and make the necessary changes. Our entire family went through much grief and sorrow as a result of her actions. I WILL NOT DO THE SAME THING!!!! I will use her example as my motivator and make this change and become healthier, happier and able to enjoy my older years with my lovely and beautiful grandchildren, looking forward to the great grandchildren! I will eat to live, not live to eat! My life is full of beautiful family and friends and I want to stay alive and healthy to witness all I can before my time here is over!
I do have 1 request. Please encourage myself and others who have a struggle. It's important that we help one another in our daily struggles to become better, healthier people. It's a goal I have had for years and now I will completely dedicate myself to this goal. I have come clean about my failure to do it sooner and let everyone know where my mind set is now. If there is anyone who needs an encouraging shoulder, I am here. I will help in any way I can and in doing do, I can better help myself. I can't justify speaking it if I can't live it. In other words, I will walk the walk as I talk the talk!
Since this is my personal blog page, I am not going to promote my ViSalus business on here, but I will post updates as to how my my goal is becoming reality and how my business is doing. If you would like more info on my ViSalus business and the product, visit me on Facebook and I will have a link to my ViSalus web page there.
I see that I have been receiving more page views and to all who have visited UpWords, a huge thank you! Please tell your friends and family about my site and remember, I welcome, with an open heart and mind any and all comments! Thank you everyone, love to you all and have an absolutely gorgeous day!
The Ocean's Majesty
Good evening all! I was in Galveston the last 3 days and had an absolutely wonderful time! I love the ocean, always have. Some day, I hope to learn how to sail. I love the way it "speaks" as it makes it's way many miles. I love the way the waves feel and the constant rhythm as it majestically swirls and crashes. It was all so relaxing to be in it. I felt as if any problems and stress were instantly gone in the presence of such a presence.
My post tonight is about leaving problems up above and enjoying creation, like the ocean, land and air's inhabitants. The results are amazing. Stress kills and destroys. Problems are meant to be solved, not stress over. There's always a solution. Just relax, think about the options and choose the solution that will make the "big picture" come more into focus. Just as "Big" as the ocean, it's the big picture that carries us in the long run. It's the solving of the issues which eventually brings focus and sharpness to our lives. Remember, we can look at the individual waves, or we can focus on the "ocean" as a whole. Look beyond the individual issues and look as far as the horizon and see what's really there and what's really important. Don't give way to the nagging pull of the current, swim upward and outward to the "big" picture! Stress kills, reaching for goals makes you "alive"!
Have a nice night everyone! Love to you all!
My post tonight is about leaving problems up above and enjoying creation, like the ocean, land and air's inhabitants. The results are amazing. Stress kills and destroys. Problems are meant to be solved, not stress over. There's always a solution. Just relax, think about the options and choose the solution that will make the "big picture" come more into focus. Just as "Big" as the ocean, it's the big picture that carries us in the long run. It's the solving of the issues which eventually brings focus and sharpness to our lives. Remember, we can look at the individual waves, or we can focus on the "ocean" as a whole. Look beyond the individual issues and look as far as the horizon and see what's really there and what's really important. Don't give way to the nagging pull of the current, swim upward and outward to the "big" picture! Stress kills, reaching for goals makes you "alive"!
Have a nice night everyone! Love to you all!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Good Sunday afternoon to you all! Another glorious day of cleaning and organizing! Getting everything packed for our 3 day trip to Galveston. Can't wait to see the ocean again, it's been years!
I just want to encourage you all to smile and make some beautiful memories today! It's hot, but a gorgeous day nonetheless. Take some time out for you today or for family and friends! It's always good to have some "me" time every now and then, a lesson I'm trying to put into habit!
Well, I really must get back to this house cleaning and organizing. I started it, must finish it! I may put another post on here later this evening, but if not, I'll be gone until Wednesday night and I'm sure I'll want to tell everyone about our trip to Galveston! The kids have never seen the ocean and I can't wait to have fun with them! I hope everyone has a great day and the next 3 days as well! Love to you all!
I just want to encourage you all to smile and make some beautiful memories today! It's hot, but a gorgeous day nonetheless. Take some time out for you today or for family and friends! It's always good to have some "me" time every now and then, a lesson I'm trying to put into habit!
Well, I really must get back to this house cleaning and organizing. I started it, must finish it! I may put another post on here later this evening, but if not, I'll be gone until Wednesday night and I'm sure I'll want to tell everyone about our trip to Galveston! The kids have never seen the ocean and I can't wait to have fun with them! I hope everyone has a great day and the next 3 days as well! Love to you all!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
An Observation: Sharon's Prose
Sometimes it seems as if the whole world is nothing but a cold, dark region of some evil place where hostility, betrayal and lack of compassion are the rulers. In my life, I've made many mistakes, almost allowing the tendrils of negativity to possess my very soul. Be aware,these tendrils are very strong and powerful, for it is much easier to give up and give in than to rise above and be strong. Make no mistake about it, my friends, no one is above or beyond the reach of the ever grabbing tendrils. Fall not prey to the powers that rule them and feed them. In the end, how we choose to fight them will be our judgement. Those of the majority that have chosen to abide by the negative rulers still have the choice to change. It is in the mind and soul of every human being to deny the horrors of reality. The ever growing evil that permeates this lovely world want only one thing: our souls. Any and all. If only more people would take the time to see what is happening to them, then they would uplift the goodness and love we all possess and great change would be imminent.
In my life, I have witnessed many of the problems of man, up close. There was a time when I fell prey to dishonesty, impurity and a lack of attention to certain aspects of the human condition. I decided to make a change.
These words are for anyone who feels a pull. The pull away from the powers that wish to destroy us all.
Good Saturday evening all! Today has been a wonderful day of cleaning, sorting, deep organization going on around here! I finally got a really great night sleep and was raring to go this morning and go I did! My awesome hubby helped me so much today and we got so much accomplished.
Today I've had a few things on my mind. The one I want to address at this time is people working together. Now, those of you that know me know that I do not ordinarily pay much attention to politics, but in lieu of what's going on with the budget, I've been doing a bit more reading, listening and researching. And all that I have done recently to get caught up on what's going on has brought me around full circle to the same question I have always had: Why can't we just all get along and work together? After years of wrong doing and sneaking around and back biting and general silliness, isn't it more than obvious that we need to change the mode in which we run this country? If we could all work together, work out our problems to the point where we can truly and maturely work through all this mess and come up with viable, workable solutions to "fix" these problems. Seems the only solution left. Obviously arguing, wheelin and dealin, lying, cheating, backbiting and every other low blow has done nothing for us and this country, other than screwing it up horribly, and that's not for us now is it? It's against us. So, weed out the "chaff" that has greedy and selfish intentions and let's get this party started! The "we want to get along and have a great country" party! Forget the Republicans, the Democrats and the other parties who, all together, have messed things up. Let's, instead have some parties that work toward the collective good and can agree to disagree, for the need of the many. I am a big Star Trek fan and Spock said it most logically: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." Now, I don't mean ignore the needs of the few or the one, we must all look out for one another, but a viable solution will be successful for the basic needs of the many/all, when it comes to the basic workings of this nation. There should never be a worry when it comes to Social Security, Medicare, health care for all (not socialistic), food, housing, birth, death, EDUCATION, these are things that should never be a worry. The other worries can be resolved on a more individual level. Don't worry, I know that it would take several years to work out the kinks and issues, but I believe it is possible. Everyone needs to be more aware of each other and how help can be achieved, even among all our busy schedules. There's a certain peace when people work together after the end of productive day, when everyone has worked together toward a common goal. The Amish have the right idea in some ways.
Well, that's my thoughts for today. I am a person who enjoys helping others. It makes me great inside at the end of the day when I can reflect over said day and smile at what was accomplished and how much fun and fellowship there was as the job was being done! There's memories being made along the way and everyone has such a warm, friendly feeling! Wouldn't that be a better way to do things on a nationwide level?
You may think I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Us dreamers need to get together and spread the dream! It's not impossible! My unconditional love to you all! Have a beautiful evening!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Well finally! After over a year I have decided to keep up with my blog lots more often! Alot has happened over the past year, some great, some good, some not so great. I have a new daughter in law, 3 grandkids on the way, bringing the grand total to 11 by the end of January 2012! Bring 'em on, I say! I got married to the most awesome man alive, we remodeled Dad's house, still trying to get the finishing touches complete of Phase One, had a great summer vacation with 2 of the grandkids this summer, and many other things as well.
I have compiled a list of projects that I want to finish by the end of this year and if I am successful, it will be a very busy last several months of 2011, but finished with a wonderful sense of accomplishment.
I must admit something. I was not doing well health-wise a month ago. I finally went to the doc and when I was threatened with going on insulin, I made a hard and fast decision to eat right, exercise and boost my will power into overdrive. I will admit, it's much easier to say than to put into practice. After a lifetime of bad habits, I am working very hard to break them and turn them around into positive, life-changing habits. It's all in how I think and perceive my situation. I have to handle this as what it is: a decision that will save my life and allow me to be around for many more years than if I continue down the "path to early death". Please friends, say a prayer for me every now and then, a prayer for strength and positive action! Thank you!
Albert Einstein once said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and believing the outcome will be different." I'm not sure if that's true insanity but it makes perfect sense to me. If one continues to eat wrong, their health will deteriorate, if one continues to lie and cheat, their friends list will become null and void, if one continues to make the wrong choices, those bad choices will provide a negative outcome, every time. So, to change the path of "insanity" one must Change Their Mind and Change Their Life! That's my mantra, my slogan, my "words to live by". I know someone right now who, after a long and arduous struggle with the consequences of bad choices is now making further bad choices. Why? I wish I had the answer. But I can say this: It's all up to you. You are the one in charge of how you choose to live. Make bad choices, pay the consequences, make good choices, the chances of success are much higher. My quandry about this is why would one, after several years of making bad choices and paying several high prices for them, continue to make them? All I know is that if the desire to make yourself a better life is strong enough, your life will be better in every way. I believe we all have the potential for wrong doing, but we also were given the gift of free will, making the choices we choose up to us as to the outcome. I don't necessarily believe in "Karma" but I do believe in "make bad choices, bad things will happen, make good choices, good things will happen, but keep in mind, they may not happen in our time, but in God's beautiful time. Don't ever look at the small picture, always look at the big picture. That's where the answers are. So, to the person I know who is making bad choices again, think about the outcome and don't be "insane." Think about the consequences of your actions and don't rely on impulse actions. You've lost enough already and if losing is your choice, so be it. But keep in mind that after everything, I won't watch any longer. And that's all I have to say about that!
I promise to make a concerted effort to keep up with my blog now everyone! As always, love to you all, see you tomorrow!
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