Good morning everyone! I hope this finds all of you well, happy and having a productive day. I haven't posted in a while due to much going on the past few weeks. Anticipating the birth of grandchild #9, which should be any time in the next couple of weeks.
My post today has to do with a subject I am becoming more and more familiar with. Knowing when to back away from a situation that I cannot "fix" or help with in any way. When a situation becomes impossible to deal with on an emotional level and you have become aware that anything you do won't be a help at all, that's the time to back away. Give it to God and just back away. Case in point: People HAVE to want to help themselves in order for anyone else to be able to help them. Their desire has to outweigh yours to help them. Otherwise, tons of time gets wasted beating a dead horse. I have encountered several such situations, people that were very close to me. After watching one of them pass away because she just couldn't do what it took to help herself, I had to learn to back away from the others. I have learned that just because someone has great amounts of potential doesn't mean they will ever realize their potential and do something with it. I spent a great deal of my life believing I could "fix" those people, only to find in my later years, I could not. It's been a hard lesson. But I have decided that my time is precious and wasting it on those that only want a cheerleader to schmooze their ego or simply cannot find the willpower to do what it takes to make their life better is counter productive in the long run. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to give up, just back off and be there when they come to the realization that they have to be the instigators for their own lives. All I can do is support and encourage.
People are not a waste of time but when you are beating your head against the same wall over and over, stop hurting yourself, and allow those people to figure it out for themselves. If they do, fantastic. If they don't, just pray, give it to God and go about your own business.
I hope you all have a wonderful day and remember, smile at everyone! It just may be the boost they need to keep on truckin! Love to you all!
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