Good Sunday afternoon everyone! It's going to be another hot day but at least we had one day of reprieve!
I had a talk with my granddaughter today about wasting food this morning and it set me to thinking about how everything we do makes a difference of some kind. A negative action or word creates a negative scenario in some way and the same is true of a positive action or word. We have the power to create our own scenarios and the scenarios of others as well. My explanation to her was that it takes one person to start the chain reaction. If one person starts to conserve a bit of electricity and gives their idea to 10 others and one of the ten does the same thing, then they tell another 10.......and so on, and so on, and so on. I explained that one person started the great pyramid with one block. Then another put down a block, then another put down a block and after many years, the Great pyramid was built. But it all started with one block. Everything starts with one thought, idea and/or action. Both negative and positive. I experimented with this several times in restaurants. I would start staring at the ceiling, with an expression of genuine interest and after several minutes others were doing the same. I realized just how true the "domino" effect is. So, I started making it a point to smile at everyone I saw. And I noticed that the more I smiled first at people, the more they returned the smile! I hope that they started smiling at others because a smile may change the whole outlook of someone's day. We can lead by example, that's how great things are accomplished and I, for one, want to accomplish great things, even on a small scale great things! And I want them to be positive things that help others and make lives happier and more productive! The only way people will start to make the move towards more positive actions and outlooks is for one person to start and others to follow along. Be that person, be the one that starts a chain of wonderful, awesome things to happen between one another. Be the one that smiles, be the one that feeds a hungry person, be the one that helps an elderly person with something, be the one that holds the door open for another, be the one that says a kind word first, be the one that starts picking up litter in the park or walkway, be the one that starts an outreach for the hurting and needy, be the one that teaches something to someone, BE THE ONE!!!!!
I hope you all have a marvelous day and find a circumstance that needs your help and Be The One to make a positive change! Love to you all!
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