Hi everyone! I'll bet you're wondering what this picture is all about? This was taken in the small town of Nashville Georgia. This is where my father grew up. On this property in the pic was the house and farm I remember when we went to visit my grandmother in the summer. It was a simple, wooden house, nothing fancy at all. They were tobacco farmers. There were a few cows, some pigs and chickens and roosters. On this property my brother and I had some of the best times ever! My great uncle had a Vespa motor scooter and we would drive that scooter all around the dirt roads in the area. I used to gather eggs for my granny from the nests that were in various places all around. I was around 10 or 11 when a newer, nicer house was built down the road from here and that house still stands. The old house, the barn, the chicken coop, the small corn silo and everything else here was destroyed by a huge fire and several years later, anything that was left was wiped out by a tornado. Now, it looks as if nothing was ever there. When others see this land, they see a field of weeds and dirt. When I see this land, I see memories. How many more places that look like just a blank field once held wonderful family gatherings and lots of love and laughter for others? History can be wiped out from the visual eye, but what's left are memories that hold happiness for others. So, the next time you glance over and see a vast expanse of field, remember there may be lots of great memories for others. Use your imagination and picture what might have been at one time! Hope you all have a beautiful day!
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