Look Beyond the Mist!
Good morning! It's drizzling outside, it's Friday and it's going to be a day of getting things done here in the house! I chose this pic today because I love the way you can barely see the mountains beyond the mist! When I took it, we were traveling back to Lexington, Kentucky from Nitro, West Virginia where I lived for 3 years as a child. What struck me about this shot is really very simple. Sometimes things as big as mountains seem to be hidden, however if you look really hard, you can start to see what it is you're looking for! Just like in life, when the answers seem so obscure, if you be patient and really seek the answers, they will become more and more visible to you! Life is full of questionable events that leave us wondering "what am I supposed to do now?" Well, I have found the key is in your reaction. Sit back, relax, have a cup of tea or coffee, and start patiently looking between the lines, through the mist, whatever's in between you and the answers and, in time, the answers will be right there. Now there are times when the answers do not come so easily and those are the times, especially not to panic or get disappointed because they will appear. You may have to wait an extended period of time. Realize there will be a resolution, just be patient. In the meantime, get something constructive done and there is always something constructive to do! Help a friend, go for a drive, write in your journal, whatever you need to do, just be patient, answers will come. I had a bit of a situation this past Labor day weekend where something happened that appeared to be just awful. Instead of panicking or getting down and out, I busied myself with finding the solution, praying about the solution and going ahead with my plans for the weekend. Sure enough, it's over now and everything is back to normal! As a matter of fact, the following Tuesday something awesome happened that could possibly make a big difference in another situation in my life where I was working hard not to get down about! It's amazing how things in our lives will fit together in ways you can't imagine until you take the time to really look for them! And you have to believe that you truly are being watched out for and that the "big guy" really does have your back! That's the other important point to remember. No matter what it looks like, look beyond the outward. God knows what He's doing! He's been "fixing" things for many, many years! I hope everyone has a great day! Love to all!
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