Good morning all! I've been bad and not posted anything for too long again! I've been working hard to market the business and having fun doing it! I have a lead for a company that rents their facilities for parties, banquets and lots of other events! They are looking for a third caterer and I am looking to be their third caterer! Keep your fingers crossed as this would be a fantastic opportunity for Taste of Texas! Well, I have to correct something I said in my last blog. The Kentucky Derby is NOT held at Keeneland, it's at Churchhill Downs which is in Louisville. Sometimes I seem to be a bit ditsy but it's all good! I finally got on Facebook and have run across people I haven't talked to in years! I am planning a huge birthday party for Dad and it's gonna be hysterical because we are doing old school country karaoke! I wish I could find someone with a camcorder! This oughtta be a hoot! On a more serious note, I find myself in a position to help a couple of people with similar issues, ones that I have never been very tolerant about. I have to say that I feel like I'm being tested. But I will prevail and so will the people who are having problems! Here's the deal! I know it sounds trite, but you just have to reach way, way down inside sometimes and find the strength to make your life better. You have to be stronger than the issue in question. It can be done, I know it can. You see, you have to refuse to be overcome by whatever is threatening your life and mind. It's all in your mind. The strength is there, you just have to allow it to be the dominant force! It is very hard and sometimes you will not be the victor. But you pick yourself up, forgive yourself and work a little harder next time until it becomes the preferred way of life! I love you all and want everyone to be happy and healthy and content! And VICTORIOUS!!!! Have a great and beautiful day and I will see you soon!