Good morning everyone! It is Friday, a beautiful day, soon to be very hot, but beautiful nonetheless! This week has been rather trying in several aspects. Despite working very hard to keep losing weight, I am now fluxuating with 14 pounds I have put on since I quit smoking. Very frustrating. I know it will come off again, I'm just very impatient! Patience is not a strong point of mine, even though I am better at it! But I can say that the reason for the weight gain is a victory anyway! I received some news about my father this week that was very distressing, however we will deal with it and all will turn out alright! And, I have received some pretty yucky news about someone else close to me that will forever affect his life and it is my prayer that this event will make his life better in the long run. Sometimes, when things look really bad, the only way to combat them is to make the most of it. Making the best out of a potentially bad situation is an art form that needs to be practiced more often. It's not an easy task, it's not an easy goal, but it can be done. No matter what it looks like, sometimes things are not always what they seem. You have to look above and beyond the narrow picture to see the grand picture! It's like the old saying "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!" I have seen my share of struggles that seemed never ending and hopeless. However, I came out on the other side, scarred and bruised, but I'm here! I didn't let them run me down and rule my future. I took them, tried to learn what I could from them and made decisions to never let them destroy me. You see, we as humans are always prone to downfalls, struggles, trials and tribulations. How we deal with them is what dictates the outcome. I used to tell my boys that more important than the "action" is the "reaction". Make your reaction create an outcome that is constructive. Too often we react in such a way as to make the situation worse, when all we really need to do is "react" with some sense of pride and virtue. I hope you all have a wonderful day and "react" with kindness, decency and lots of unconditional love!
Sharon (Lucy)
P.S. The "Lucy" reference is not Lucille Ball, it's Lucy from Peanuts. My Dad called me that when I was a kid! It fits at times! Love to you all!
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