Hi everyone! It's been a while since I posted and for that, I apologize! I won't let so much time pass again! Well, let me see where to start. How about public news? Walter Cronkite died at age 92. I grew up with him, ya know. He was there for all the important events. Watergate, JFK, etc.. both of which I remember. No "old" jokes please! May you rest in peace Walter! Michael....well, I have a few thoughts on that but I only want to say one. That poor soul never had anywhere near a "normal" life. I grew up with him as well and he always seemed to be like one of the "lost boys" And no, I do not and never have thought of him as a perve. I think he was a target and an easy one at that. We must remember that in this country ,we are innocent until proven guilty. This is one of the things we must continue to fight for as one of our rights in this country. So, that's all I have to say about that! As for me, things are fine! Someone very close to me is facing a hard time and it's been rough dealing with it from my perspective. I love this person dearly, but also know that what has happened is justice done right. It's an odd paradox, but I have to have faith that it's happening for the betterment of said person. We all must pay our consequences for our actions and sometimes our consequences affect others as well. Think about that before you make a decision to do a questionable act. Maybe weighing out the results of said action will help to make the right decision. "Thinking" things through seems to be a suggestion these days. Try making it an absolute. I firmly believe "thinking" is becoming a thing of the past and I just hope we can generate enough interest in the art of "thinking" so that it can once again be a factor in decision making. Who knew that such an easy task like "thinking" might help make better decisions! How archaic am I ? LOL!!! On to the next subject! My father is having health issues and I just ask everyone to send positive thoughts and prayers his way! Just call him "GP", or "Chief 9 Toes". I have become engrossed in organizing all my family pictures for about a week now. This is a huge undertaking and I am having a ball with it! I have found so many very old things and pictures, some dating back 75 years or more. I've been being reminded of a simpler time in life when things were not quite as horrid as they can be now. It's making me want to scream from the rooftops that we can have this kind of life again if we just try our best to be more positive people! Take the stress and make something good come from it. I know this sounds hard and it is, very at times but it's all a matter of strength and choosing what you allow to "run" your emotions and decisions. I watched a movie yesterday, "Flight of The Phoenix" with Jimmy Stewart (aw, there's a great man) and it was an inspiring story of the strength of the human spirit. Against all odds and in the midst of thirst, hunger, death, heat and what seems to be no way out, HOPE wins out and becomes a reality that enables them to save themselves. It's very good and I love an ending where the "good" wins. That's a key to life, I think. Making something wonderful happen in spite of what the situation "looks" like. How many times have we heard and ourselves said, "looks can be deceiving"? Well, no different in any situation, this applies to everything. You see, I've found that the more devastating the situation "seems" to be, the more prospect of something great coming from it. Kind of like "what goes up, must come down", a very similar logic. I heard a wonderful analogy of life once and I have thought of it often since. "Life is like a highway full of boxes of rocks. Some boxes are much bigger than others and some seem to be unmovable. What you must always keep in mind during your travels down the highway is that no matter what size or weight of the box, it can be overcome. Over, under, around, through, move it over, take it with you and deal with it later, as long as you continue down the highway and make headway for the good, that's what matters." I like that and I've always tried my hardest to do that. No quitting for me, except for smoking, which today marks 3 months since Jer and I quit smoking! YEA!!!! That was a big box of rocks that I carried around for many years and I finally threw that box over a cliff! I love you all and I know that whatever size your box of rocks is, you will find the strength to overcome it! See you tomorrow!
Hello to all! Welcome to Up Words! This page is dedicated to helping others to see their lives in a new and different way! To help one another make positive, healthy changes and to learn to Change Our Minds and Change Our Lives! To learn to make choices which will impact our lives and the lives of others in a constructive and uplifting way! We must fight the good fight, always remembering the "up" words in life and always striving to move upwards in life!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Mastering the Rocks!
Hi everyone! It's been a while since I posted and for that, I apologize! I won't let so much time pass again! Well, let me see where to start. How about public news? Walter Cronkite died at age 92. I grew up with him, ya know. He was there for all the important events. Watergate, JFK, etc.. both of which I remember. No "old" jokes please! May you rest in peace Walter! Michael....well, I have a few thoughts on that but I only want to say one. That poor soul never had anywhere near a "normal" life. I grew up with him as well and he always seemed to be like one of the "lost boys" And no, I do not and never have thought of him as a perve. I think he was a target and an easy one at that. We must remember that in this country ,we are innocent until proven guilty. This is one of the things we must continue to fight for as one of our rights in this country. So, that's all I have to say about that! As for me, things are fine! Someone very close to me is facing a hard time and it's been rough dealing with it from my perspective. I love this person dearly, but also know that what has happened is justice done right. It's an odd paradox, but I have to have faith that it's happening for the betterment of said person. We all must pay our consequences for our actions and sometimes our consequences affect others as well. Think about that before you make a decision to do a questionable act. Maybe weighing out the results of said action will help to make the right decision. "Thinking" things through seems to be a suggestion these days. Try making it an absolute. I firmly believe "thinking" is becoming a thing of the past and I just hope we can generate enough interest in the art of "thinking" so that it can once again be a factor in decision making. Who knew that such an easy task like "thinking" might help make better decisions! How archaic am I ? LOL!!! On to the next subject! My father is having health issues and I just ask everyone to send positive thoughts and prayers his way! Just call him "GP", or "Chief 9 Toes". I have become engrossed in organizing all my family pictures for about a week now. This is a huge undertaking and I am having a ball with it! I have found so many very old things and pictures, some dating back 75 years or more. I've been being reminded of a simpler time in life when things were not quite as horrid as they can be now. It's making me want to scream from the rooftops that we can have this kind of life again if we just try our best to be more positive people! Take the stress and make something good come from it. I know this sounds hard and it is, very at times but it's all a matter of strength and choosing what you allow to "run" your emotions and decisions. I watched a movie yesterday, "Flight of The Phoenix" with Jimmy Stewart (aw, there's a great man) and it was an inspiring story of the strength of the human spirit. Against all odds and in the midst of thirst, hunger, death, heat and what seems to be no way out, HOPE wins out and becomes a reality that enables them to save themselves. It's very good and I love an ending where the "good" wins. That's a key to life, I think. Making something wonderful happen in spite of what the situation "looks" like. How many times have we heard and ourselves said, "looks can be deceiving"? Well, no different in any situation, this applies to everything. You see, I've found that the more devastating the situation "seems" to be, the more prospect of something great coming from it. Kind of like "what goes up, must come down", a very similar logic. I heard a wonderful analogy of life once and I have thought of it often since. "Life is like a highway full of boxes of rocks. Some boxes are much bigger than others and some seem to be unmovable. What you must always keep in mind during your travels down the highway is that no matter what size or weight of the box, it can be overcome. Over, under, around, through, move it over, take it with you and deal with it later, as long as you continue down the highway and make headway for the good, that's what matters." I like that and I've always tried my hardest to do that. No quitting for me, except for smoking, which today marks 3 months since Jer and I quit smoking! YEA!!!! That was a big box of rocks that I carried around for many years and I finally threw that box over a cliff! I love you all and I know that whatever size your box of rocks is, you will find the strength to overcome it! See you tomorrow!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Facing New Challenges
It's been a while since I posted anything, but in my defense, it's been a trying week and a half! Got some news that may be really bad or it could end up being really good. God is testing my endurance and patience, I'm sure of it! Got some other news that could have several outcomes and we are praying for the most best one of all! And, my 6th grandchild was introduced into the world June 30 at 2:50 am! Her name is Adilyn Cadence Berna and she is beautiful! I am so proud and happy! Josh and Jourdynn are so precious together and I am so happy that my son found such a wonderful woman to share his life with! It's funny how in the course of only a little over a week, life can take such sharp turns! The key is to not topple over from the momentum created by the change! It's an odd thing to stand where I am and be so close to several situations, both very bad and very good and to be able to see them as parallel. Life goes on, no matter what and we always have to be ready for the curve balls thrown our way! It's the only way to make it "home"! My friends, pray for strength and peace of heart and mind, and always remember, love one another unconditionally! It's the only way!
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